髑髏カタパルト/Skull Catapult


"Let any who doubt the evil of using the ancient devices look at this infernal machine. What manner of fiend would design such a sadistic device?"
――Sorine Relicbane, Soldevi Heretic


"Let any who doubt the evil of using the ancient devices look at this infernal machine. What manner of fiend would design such a sadistic device?"
――Sorine Relicbane, Soldevi heretic


"What manner of fiend would design such a sadistic device?"
――Sorine Relicbane, Soldevi heretic

+ タグ編集
  • タグ:
  • アイスエイジ
  • 第5版
  • 第6版

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最終更新:2018年04月03日 03:51