ラッパの一吹き/Trumpet Blast


Keldon warriors don't need signals to tell them when to attack. They need signals to tell them when to stop.


Keldon warriors don't need signals to tell them when to attack. They need signals to tell them when to stop.


"Do you hear that, Sarkhan? The glory of the horde! I made a legend from what you abandoned."
――Zurgo, khan of the Mardu


The sound of the trumpets lights a fire in the hearts of the bold and snuffs the courage of the cowardly.

+ タグ編集
  • タグ:
  • ウルザズ・デスティニー
  • 基本セット2010
  • 基本セット2013
  • コンスピラシー
  • タルキール覇王譚
  • コンスピラシー:王位争奪
  • 基本セット2019
  • マスターズ25
  • バトルボンド

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最終更新:2023年03月11日 17:43