骨の壁/Wall of Bone

The Wall of Bone is said to be an aspect of the Great Wall in Hel, where the bones of all sinners wait for Ragnarok, when Hela will call them forth for the final battle.


The Wall of Bone is said to be an aspect of the Great Wall in Hel, where the bones of all sinners wait for Ragnarok, when Hela will call them forth for the final battle.


"Good neighbors make good walls."
――Jakkarak the Maimer


A skeletal wall, strengthened by the souls of traitors, rings the city of the Eastern Paladin.

"Graveyards are sacrilege! A waste of perfectly good bones."
――Keren-Dur, necromancer lord


+ タグ編集
  • タグ:
  • リミテッド
  • アンリミテッド
  • リバイズド
  • 第4版
  • 第5版
  • 第7版
  • その他

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最終更新:2018年04月02日 20:24