ヨーティアの兵/Yotian Soldier

After Kroog was destroyed while most of its defenders were at his side, Urza vowed that none of his allies would ever need to fear for their own defense again, even while laying siege to a city far from their homes.


After Kroog was destroyed while most of its defenders were at his side, Urza vowed that none of his allies would ever need to fear for their own defense again, even while laying siege to a city far from their homes.


Poets dream the verses of otherworldly stories. Artificers dream the blueprints of otherplanar artifacts.

+ タグ編集
  • タグ:
  • アンティキティー
  • ミラディン
  • 第4版
  • バトルボンド

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最終更新:2022年11月05日 12:41