森林地の小川/Woodland Stream


Two creaking waterwheels herald the approach to Briarbridge through the Ulvenwald.


Waterways carve their routes through the land to reflect the paths the aether streams cut through the clouds.


"Bolas's power on this plane can't be absolute. Look around you."
――Nissa Revane


Countless streams flow into the nine rivers, and the nine rivers flow into the Great River. The River Heralds guard them all.

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  • イニストラードを覆う影
  • カラデシュ
  • アモンケット
  • 破滅の刻
  • イクサラン
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  • イクサランの相克
  • 統率者2018

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最終更新:2018年09月17日 01:02