

Gryffid scowled at the sky. A perfect day for the hunt tainted by clouds. He wished them gone. High above, the clouds looked down, scowled, and made a wish of their own.


Most casualties of the power struggle between vedalken and Neurok didn't die on the field of battle; they merely disappeared.


Gryffid found his way home and resumed life as best he could, constantly hiding his newfound fear of clouds.


It's pointless to hold on when you have nothing to hold on with.

+ タグ編集
  • タグ:
  • モーニングタイド
  • ミラディンの傷跡
  • 基本セット2014
  • マジック・オリジン
  • 基本セット2019

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最終更新:2022年11月15日 17:16