本質の散乱/Essence Scatter


Some wizards compete not to summon the most interesting creatures, but to create the most interesting aftereffects when a summons goes awry.


"What you attempt to pull from the Æther, I can spread onto the wind."
――Jace Beleren


Dependence on luck is anathema to Kefnet's rigorous studies. Those who hope to escape his maze by chance never succeed.


"I know the nightmares of Indatha seem scary, but when you break them down into their component parts, they're quite beautiful."
――Naireh, Ketria elementalist


"Phyrexians pollute everything they touch, so the solution is simple: don't let them touch anything."

+ タグ編集
  • タグ:
  • アモンケット
  • 基本セット2010
  • 基本セット2013
  • 基本セット2014
  • 基本セット2019
  • イコリア:巨獣の棲処
  • 団結のドミナリア

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最終更新:2022年09月23日 16:15