石の雨/Stone Rain

"May the forces that took Argoth beneath the waves never come among us again."
――Arcum Dagsson, Soldevi Machinist


"What rainbow could possibly come of this rain?"
――Asmira, Holy Avenger


"The land shall beg for drink and curse the rain that follows."
――Oracle en-Vec


The return of Ramos was foretold by devastating natural disasters and unnatural storms.


I cast a thousand tiny suns――
Beware my many dawns.


There goes the neighborhood!


Soldiers often blocked off the steep mountain passes to ambush enemy troops in western and central China.


"The kami struck with gouts of fire, showers of rock, and the combined rage of the spirit world. Only Eiganjo Castle remained standing, glistening untouched in the sun."
――The History of Kamigawa


"Thus, Bruk the Skyhammer earned his epithet and won the war, all in one fiery moment."
――Compendium of Warspells

+ タグ編集
  • タグ:
  • アイスエイジ
  • ミラージュ
  • テンペスト
  • メルカディアン・マスクス
  • 神河物語
  • ポータル
  • ポータル・セカンドエイジ
  • ポータル三国志
  • ストリクスヘイヴン

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最終更新:2024年04月29日 11:52