捕食/Prey Upon


"You don't find many old werewolf hunters."
――Paulin, trapper of Somberwald


The Somberwald has become a hunting ground for the Dronepack, the group of werewolves that have succumbed to the flesh-twisting power of Emrakul.


It is the nature of the strong to survive.

Nature exists in balance: river and jungle, sky and sea, predator and prey.


"Light up the dark to find your way, and the dark may seek you out."
――Zalin the Gutter Bard

+ タグ編集
  • タグ:
  • イニストラード
  • 異界月
  • 基本セット2013
  • コンスピラシー:王位争奪
  • 霊気紛争
  • アルティメットマスターズ
  • ラヴニカのギルド
  • その他

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最終更新:2020年01月02日 03:47